Spring Tourette 2005
Thursday, April 28: For our first night out, we rendezvoused (or however you spell that) in Easthampton, Massachusetts with our buddies Tizzy! You probably remember them from previous episodes of "The Color Guard on Tour." We played at our familiar Easthampton home base, the Flywheel Art Space.

(They've had problems recently with people stealing artists.)

A lot of cool and interesting people showed up that night, like Bruce Barone, who took this first photo as well as the two in black & white. He does beautiful work: www.brucebarone.com.

Maggie played a set of songs hushed and anguished--really great, as always. She went by Big Bright Sun this night, but in our previous episode you saw her in Pazza Ragazza. ("Aaaaah yes," you say.)


Later we all hung out down the street at a place called The Brass Cat. Hence Jeanne's snarly-cat imitation.

Eventually it was time to roll out the sleeping bags and teddy bears! Matt, being a gentleman and all, hosted us at his place.

Thanks for everything, Tizzy! We were sad to have to move on to the next town. But alas, such is the life of musicians on that long, lonesome road. 'Course, we didn't yet know what adventures awaited us in Providence....

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